Riga, Latvia

After a quick stop in Tallin, Estonia I’m now in Riga, Latvia to make another quick stop before I move on. I recommend to travel between this countries with “Ecolines”. Comfortable seats and TV-Screens with plenty of movies and music. To travel this distance will take you 4 hours and only cost you 12€.

When I arrived to Riga I knew what I wanted to do here. There’s a place called “Drifta halle” that everyone who travel to Riga has to visit.

”Wolftrike” drift trikes are equipped with an electric engine, capable of reaching the speed of 50 km/h. 1 ride will only cost you 10-15€ and you will have the time of your life.

Not to mention they have 4 wheelers and other motorized vehicles as well to drive for a decent price. Did I mention you also get a free monster energy drink and coffee when you buy a ticket? Yeah, this is a place you definitely have to visit!

Check out their website. http://driftahalle.lv/?lang=en

Overall I thought Riga was an old city with a lot of history. A good travel for a weekend with the old town, cheap prices and very friendly people!