Have you ever been to Bratislava, Slovakia?

As usual i traveled by bus. From Budapest to Bratislava took 2hrs35min and costed 7€. Like i said before, If you have the time to travel by bus then you should definitely do it. You will save money and you will see so much more on the way!

Another country, Another experience!

Bratislava is the capital of Slovak republic, also called by some “The beauty on the Danube”. Danube is the second longest river in Europe, flowing 1,785 miles from Germany to Ukraine into the Black Sea.

Here’s a list of what i did in Bratislava and why i think you should travel to Bratislava, Slovakia!

  • Danube river: One of the worlds great rivers. From Bratislava it goes day-cruises to Vienna and around to different places in Slovakia. For an example: Devin castle that i personally think is a must do! Several floating restaurants have been in operation for years here as well that you can experience the beautiful nature while enjoying a meal and maybe a glass of wine. Sounds good? 
  •  Bratislava castle: An absolute must do according to me. Bratislava Castle is the landmark overlooking the capital. It was built in 9th century and It stands on the hill above Danube river. You will probably be walking trough the beautiful St. Martin’s Dome and the narrow streets of the Old town. You can also drive there if it’s not possible to walk.
  • Blue church: Just like from a fairy-tale. Bratislavas Blue church has the exact same color as the sky when you’re looking at it on a sunny day. The church was built in the early 20th century and the official name is ” Saint Elizabeth’s church ” but obvious everybody call it the Blue church.
  • Old town: If you love restaurants with outdoor seating as much as i do, you will be in heaven. When you’re walking this narrow streets in Old town with its beautiful architecture, It can be nice to sit down and have something to drink, an ice cream or even a meal. You can walk around in Old town of Bratislava for hours if you want! A must do!

Now I’m off to Ljubljana and Slovenia! Hope i see you there!

Here’s a video of my stay here in Bratislava and some footage of Slovenia! Enjoy.


Bratislava, Ljubljana and Lake bled.