About me

Hey there! I’m glad that you found my page. The time has come for my first post and I’m going do a short presentation of myself and tell you what I’m going to do here on this website. So, my name is Henrik (you can call me Henke) and I’m 25 years old and I live in Malmö, Sweden.

Biggest fear: Fear of flying.
Biggest achievement: Becoming a millionaire at the age of 24.

Background of myself.
I had a rough start in life when my father walked out on us when I was 5 years old. Me, my mother and my little brother had to make it on our own. Under tough circumstances we did alright and that’s what made me stronger. I started to work in a restaurant when I was 16 years old and started to climb from there. At the age of 18 I bought my very own house and I remember it was a huge deal for me.
I’ve also worked with multiple other things like a seller for a big company that sold card transactions fees, I´ve worked in the stock market for a long time and I also own a football club here in Sweden. I have a little brother named Fredrik who lives in Sydney, Australia, and my mother who lives in Stockholm, Sweden.

4 Randomly facts about me.

  • In 2011 I did the famous “Vasaloppet” once. Its 90km on cross country skis.
  • I have a big need of being by myself from time to time. Even though I love my family and friends. I just love to be by myself thinking about nothing and philosophize for myself.
  • First time I ever got drunk, I was sleeping in a dirty field for the whole night.
  • I love food. I love cooking, I love eating. Everything about food. Want to make a good first impression? Cook me a nice dinner 🙂